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Brewery information 2020.04.01

On 4/20 (Monday), Settyuubai Snow Storage Junmai Genshu (2019BY New Sake) will be on sale.

I was worried about the operation of the snow room due to the record light snow.The snowfall has been completed successfully, and it is expected that it will be released irregularly twice in spring and autumn this year. 2BY New sake "Settyuubai Snow Storage Junmai Genshu" will be shipped from the end of 2019 on 2019/4 (Monday).It has a strong sweetness and acidity unique to Junmai Genshu, a fresh scent, and a silky texture and smoothness through the throat due to aging in the snow room.Please enjoy the precious blessings of snow this season.

Settyuubai Stored in the snow Junmai Genshu
 720ml / tax included ¥ 1,980- (boxed ¥ 2,145)
You can purchase it from us or a sake store that handles it.Feel free to make reservations and inquiries.We look forward to your order.
https:// shop.html